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Common Questions About Dentures And Oral Hygiene


Dentures are no longer a lifeline for those who have lost their teeth. In fact, they're more like a luxury item that can help you enjoy life to the fullest. That said, dentures do require some special care. If you have dentures, here are some questions and answers about how to keep them clean and healthy, so they last:

How often do you need to clean your dentures?

The frequency at which you clean your dentures will depend on how often you wear them. If you wear them every day, it's best to clean them every night before bed and after meals. If you only wear your dentures occasionally (for special occasions), then cleaning them once or twice a week is sufficient.

You should always remove the food particles from your gums and teeth as well as from inside the mouth where food can get stuck, even if it doesn't look like there's much residue left behind. This will help prevent bacterial build-up on your dentures and keep your mouth healthier overall!

Do you need to soak your dentures overnight?

Soaking your dentures is not recommended. Your dentures are made of acrylic, which is a hard plastic and can’t be soaked like other materials. You should clean them with toothpaste and water instead.

What kind of toothpaste do you use for dental hygiene when you have dentures?

When you have dentures, it is important to use a toothpaste that is specifically designed for sensitive teeth. The most popular brand today is Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief. It contains fluoride, which helps prevent cavities and remineralizes the enamel of your teeth. You should also make sure that you are using a non-whitening toothpaste without peroxide or baking soda, because these can cause discoloration of your dentures if they come into contact with them while brushing your mouth. Likewise, avoid triclosan as an ingredient in any toothpaste you choose to buy – this chemical has been linked to serious health issues such as endocrine disruption and cancer!

Is there a way to make sure that your dentures fit more snugly?

If you're experiencing issues with your dentures, there are several easy ways to improve their fit.

  • Add a silicone liner: A simple silicone liner can be added to the inside of the mouth, which will help hold your dentures in place and prevent them from slipping out. This is especially useful if you've lost weight or had jaw surgery in recent years—as these changes can make it more difficult for your dentures to stay put.

  • Have them refitted: If you’re having trouble getting used to new dentures or feel like they're not fitting properly, consider asking for another set that better fits your mouth and bite. Your dentist should be able to provide an alternative that alleviates any pain or discomfort while also allowing you to eat comfortably.

Are there any foods I should avoid?

You should avoid sticky foods like caramel, jelly beans and gummy bears. These can get stuck in your dentures and cause irritation to the soft tissue of your mouth.

Crunchy foods like popcorn, chips and nuts also should be avoided because they could break or crack your dentures.

Hard foods like ice cubes should not be eaten as they can chip your dentures. Drinking hot liquids will also damage the acrylic resin used to create the plastic base of your denture that holds it together, so avoid them too if possible.

Sticky or hard food particles may get caught between your teeth and gums, making it painful for you to chew them after eating them off again later on! This can lead to more discomfort when eating food later on down the road, so try to avoid these types of situations altogether by avoiding eating anything that might stick onto/into any part of your mouth where there might be bacteria present!

How do I know if my dentures are too big or too small?

If you cannot chew food properly, your dentures are too large. They will also be more likely to come loose, which can lead to sore gums and an infection. If this happens, don't worry; your dentist will be able to get you a new set of dentures that fit better!

Should I always be wearing my dentures?

A question that is often asked by people who are new to wearing dentures is whether or not they should be wearing their prosthesis at all times. While it's true that dental professionals recommend that you wear your dentures whenever possible, there are some instances when you can take them out. If you're eating or drinking and don’t want to put them back in, then feel free to do so. As long as there isn't any food stuck between your gums and the appliance, it won't be an issue. If you're chewing gum, however—which would mean putting pressure directly on the teeth-like surface of a denture—it's better for both your mouth health and the longevity of your prosthetic device if you leave them in place. Dentures should also always be worn when sleeping because this helps prevent damage like dryness or sores developing around where they're anchored on top of each tooth socket (known as mucositis).

You can lead a normal life with dentures!

You can lead a normal life with dentures. Even though your mouth has changed, you’ll still be able to eat a variety of foods, drink hot or cold liquids, chew gum and talk with your dentures in. You can also smile and laugh with your dentures in. And if you want to take them out at night before brushing your teeth, that’s okay too!


Dental hygiene can be a daunting task for those who have dentures, but it doesn’t have to be! You can lead a normal life with your new teeth and enjoy the taste of all your favorite foods again. Just remember that regular brushing is key and try not to eat too many acidic foods like citrus fruits or tomatoes. Happy eating!

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